
ChatOps combines the benefits of a chat app like Slack with the powerful automation features of a chatbot to streamline 事件响应.



与ChatOps, security 和 IT professionals can integrate the work conversations that they’re already having with the actual 工具 they use to perform that work. They can also use ChatOps to orchestrate IT 和 security 流程 in order to gain a clearer view into their security l和scape.

With collaboration capabilities 和 chatbot-powered automation available in a single interface, 安全和IT团队可以参与小组对话, 自动执行关键安全任务, 和 access a full view of actions that members of the team are taking in real time. 这有助于他们更有效地工作, deploying software updates or patches into production 和 addressing potential security incidents with greater speed.

ChatOps, 这个术语最初是在GitHub上创造的, is also sometimes referred to as conversation-driven collaboration or conversation-driven DevOps. ChatOps促进了安全和IT团队之间的及时协作, 组织可以改进并加速其安全性 事件响应 流程.


在聊天室里聚会的时候, team members type comm和s that a chatbot executes using either plugins or custom scripts. 例如, a security analyst can issue a comm和 directly within a group chat telling the chatbot to aggregate key information 和 retrieve the fixes for a vulnerability.

然后聊天机器人将该命令交给IT, IT接受并应用补丁. Upon completion, the chatbot can return a detailed log of the result to verify the 打补丁 成功-直接进入聊天窗口. 不仅整个团队都能看到发生了什么, 但它也可以实时协调后续步骤.

ChatOps还可以帮助编排事件响应, integrating with a security system to issue a timely notification in the event of an incident. 例如, an intrusion detection system could trigger an alert into a Slack channel about an abnormal code deployment at 2 a.m.

当看到这个警告弹出时, a member of the dev team could then ping everyone else to let them know it was him 和 that he was traveling in Europe at the moment—thus, 这是一个不寻常的部署时间. 另一方面, 如果事实证明是这样的话,没人能确定是什么引起了警报, the team could mobilize a rapid response from directly within the Slack channel without having to convene a time-consuming war room meeting.


As software development teams know, building 和 deploying an application can be a complex process. 通过ChatOps提供的透明性, 如果出现故障,没有人会怀疑是谁发出了命令, since a complete record of what has transpired is available for all to see in the chat window.

开发人员可以在出现问题时共同诊断和解决问题. 安全团队甚至可以指定Slack通道来编排日常任务, 比如例行的调查跟进, 警报浓缩, 或者恶意软件遏制, 因此,他们可以更容易地专注于更具战略性的优先事项,例如 威胁狩猎 和响应. 

ChatOps中启用的自动化可以减少人为错误的实例, empowering developers to automatically execute comm和s that have already been tested 和 vetted. 因为每个人都在同一个聊天环节, team members can quickly issue 和 fulfill requests without having to use a cumbersome ticketing process.

Non-technical staff can even use ChatOps to check the status of an incident without bothering developers or their security colleagues, 让他们专注于手头的任务. The real-time documentation provided within ChatOps can be beneficial not just from a workflow optimization st和point but for regulatory compliance 和 security purposes as well. 

ChatOps还简化了远程团队协作和新员工培训, helping colleagues coordinate their shared work with greater ease regardless of their geographical location or length of tenure. ChatOps还能建立团队友情, 给开发和事件响应过程带来一点乐趣.

和, 通过简化的移动设备访问他们在工作中使用的工具, developers 和 their security colleagues can address time-sensitive requests or issues no matter where they happen to be—whether that’s at a coffee shop or waiting in line to see a movie.

最终, ChatOps accelerates time to market while also significantly reducing the time required to evaluate 和 resolve a potential security incident.

4 ChatOps给安全团队的提示

考虑在你的组织中使用ChatOps? 以下四个技巧可以帮助你充分利用你的解决方案:

1. 选择合适的工具 

The ChatOps 工具 you select will depend on your collaboration, development, 和 security needs. 例如, 并非所有的安全工具都可以与Slack-or之类的聊天应用程序集成, 如果有的话, 这种整合可能只是单向的, providing you notifications without giving you the ability to delegate tasks back from Slack to your 安全业务流程 工具. Make sure you pick the ChatOps 工具 that best support your team’s workflow requirements. 

2. 从小事做起 

It’s not uncommon for there to be significant cultural resistance to automation within an organization. For this reason, it’s best to begin with small changes 和 incrementally build on them.

Try starting with something passive like automated queries before advancing to automated deployment tasks. By gradually 和 carefully demonstrating the benefits of ChatOps to everyone involved, you can build their confidence in the technology 和 increase your chances of success.

3. 使用自然语言

You can configure your chatbot to execute comm和s based on language that you would naturally use in the course of a chat session. 例如,如果你问你的同事,“嘿,这个服务器怎么了??” your chatbot can automatically spring into action 和 return the information you requested without anyone having to lift a finger. 这使得每个人的工作都更方便,增加了采用的可能性.

4. 帮助你的聊天机器人帮助你

团队成员将在学习如何使用聊天机器人的过程中查询您的聊天机器人. This is especially true for new hires who are just getting up to speed on how everything works at your company. Configure your chatbot to give helpful answers when people ask how to use certain comm和s. If you like, you can even infuse it with some personality that’s in line with your company’s culture.

ChatOps places the 工具 that developers 和 security professionals use directly into workplace conversations, enhancing team collaboration 和 problem-solving on a wide range of tasks ranging from 事件响应 to patch deployment 和 beyond. 从文化的角度来看,ChatOps甚至是有益的, 加强工作关系,提高团队效率. 和强者在一起 安全自动化 以及ChatOps中的协作能力, your company can accelerate its 事件响应 和 achieve faster time to market.

